DO NOT POST A CALL TO ARMS for Nymph's Champions Officially summoned World Monsters UNTIL there are 144 hours left on the world monster or all of the level 90+ Attack Slots are filled, Whichever comes first. Unless otherwise mentioned.
Please make sure to check Our World Monster Rules and the Special Monster Schedule before requesting to summon.
Cronus, The World Hydra
If you can summon a Cronus, contact: Patti
Summoned by: Receive 1 Serpentine Shield and 1 Red Dragon Egg from Castle Age Friends. Go to the Keep/Alchemy tab and there will be a recipe that contains 1 Serpentine Shield and 1 Red Dragon Egg to fight Cronus, The World Hydra.
The battle begins immediately and can only be joined by 130 players, who DO NOT have to be in the same army as the summoner.
Battle of the Dark Legion
If you can summon a Dark Legion, contact: Chris
Summoned by: Receive 1 Angelic Blessing, 1 Heroes Resolve and 2 Castle Ramparts from Castle Age Friends. Go to the Keep/Alchemy tab and there will be a recipe that contains 1 Angelic Blessing, 1 Heroes Resolve and 2 Castle Ramparts to fight the Battle of the Dark Legion.
The battle begins immediately and can only be joined by 130 players total (DOES NOT have to be in the same army as the summoner).
Genesis, The Earth Elemental
If you can summon a Genesis, contact: Jackie M
Summoned by: Must be level 80 to summon … Receive 2 Earth Orbs from Castle Age Friends. Go to the Keep/Alchemy tab and there will be a recipe that contains 2 Earth Orbs to fight.
The battle begins immediately and can only be joined by 130 players total (DOES NOT have to be in the same army as the summoner).
Ragnarok The Ice Elemental
If you can summon a Raggy, contact: Nancy
Summoned by: Must be level 80 to summon … Receive 1 Ice Orb from Castle Age Friends. Go to the Keep/Alchemy tab and there will be a recipe that contains 1 Ice Orb to fight.
The battle begins immediately and can only be joined by 130 players total (DOES NOT have to be in the same army as the summoner).
Bahamut, the Volcanic Dragon
If you can summon a Bahamut, contact: David
Summoned by: Must be level 80 to summon … Receive 1 of each Volcanic Egg from Castle Age Friends. Go to the Keep/Alchemy tab and there will be a recipe that contains 1 of each Volcanic Egg to fight.
The battle begins immediately and can only be joined by 110 players total (DOES NOT have to be in the same army as the summoner).